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One of the major difficulties in appreciating the various commentaries on Vedanta Sutras and other ancient Indian philosophical texts is that numerous citations from the Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita are found in them without any exact authenticated reference to the original source. With a view to overcoming this difficulty by providing relevant cross-references, as also to furnishing useful material to students of philology and lexicography, Col. G. A. Jacob has compiled this book. This volume owes its existence to a pressing sense of need.


12 Responses to “Upanishad Vakya Kosa – A Concordance of the Principal Upanishads & Bhagavadgita”

  1. satyask says:

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
    I just found this link, I am so thrilled.
    I will link to this from my web-site.

    And I will tell others who are looking for such a site.

    Harih Om! VandE TAm JagadIswarIm BhagavatIm, Buddhi pradAm, S’AradAm!

  2. swami mrigendra saraswati says:

    Chandrachudakrpapunjat jivatam saradam satah .

  3. swami mrigendra saraswati says:

    Sanatan Dharm aap ka rini rahega .

  4. S.Jagannatha says:

    Upanishad Vakyakosha is simply unique. We can not find appropriate words to praise Colonel Jacob’s effort.No citation of major Upanishads and Bhagavadgita is left untouched in his marvellous index.It is great that you have choosen this work to be placed here for free download.
    One humble suggestion from my side:Please add these works:1.Prakriya Sarvasva and 2.Dhatukavya by NarayanaBhattattiri.3.Kashika with Nyasa/Padamanjari4.Kavirahasya by (Bhatta)Halayudha.5.Mahabhashya 6.Vedangaprakash by Swami Dayananda Saraswathi.

    • bharateeya says:


      I have volumes 3 and 4 of Prakriya Sarvasva. I am waiting for the 2 volumes for posting them here. I will keep looking for the other books suggested by you and post them here if I get them.

  5. Prof.Ramana says:

    Sir !
    congrats for the e books . not able to download the following book .. please suggest.
    Upanishad Vakya Kosa тАУ A Concordance of the Principal Upanishads & Bhagavadgita

    than q

  6. SATYASWAMY says:

    super super work top most work

  7. Aishwarya G S says:

    iam a beginner of samskrutha.
    I need a simple book for vyakaranam – grammar
    can u tell me the link or reference for the book

  8. Ravi says:

    I need literature book on similarities between bhagwat gita and tettiriya Upanishads with reference to Yoga

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